

According to a web source, depression is a mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. In a lame man's term, depression is a situation where you loss interest in what you find joy doing.   A lot of things can cause this - Lossing interest in what makes you happy, and that could be because of segregation, peer pressure, family problems, health problem, Economic or health problem.  We could have a scenario whereby a bunch of people might be looking down, on a person maybe in a class setting, and that might intimidate the person causing him to fall into anixety, thereby if not taken care of - depression.    Depression is so deadly that can lead to suicide, drug addiction, acholic addiction, been violent at the smallest spark and so on.    How can we know or detect if someone is depressed?  One quick way to know is been observant and co...


Coming from a perspective of an African society , where the culture had sometimes made people  imply that Introverts are proud people , why ? Because they claim that they don't socialize with them as other people does , maybe because they(introvert) are picky in terms of friends, or because you see them ones in a blue moon, and after everything they came to do is done , they vanish like thin air .  All this they claim makes the introverts proud people in their view . The question is , is this claim true ? Well , we would see as we move on. Introverts are not only in Africa , they are all over the world . And due to limited knowledge, what people reports, I came to the conclusion that , in some part of the world, the feeling about an introvert is the same as that of some Africans while in other parts , the introverts are properly understood . So the question , with all conflicting views about who Introverts are , who really are introverts? A web source defined intro...